The Sacred Space Guided Meditation



(You will need your notebook, pen, a glass of cool water, a quiet and comfortable space. Optional: a light blanket and relaxing music. You may want to record this meditation.)

Note: do not worry if you cannot “see” anything in particular. Pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that come to mind. Answer the questions with your mind’s voice if not image comes right away. The more you practice this meditation, the clearer things will become.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, keeping your back as straight as possible. If you have a blanket, keep it next to you, where you can easily reach it. Breathe in deeply. Bring the air all the way to your abdomen. Feel it pop out a little. Exhale slowly. Pressing your abdominal muscles to let out all the air. Breathe this way again, focusing on the top of the head as you in inhale and the sole of your feel as you exhale. One more time. Inhale, focusing on the top of your head. Exhale focussing on the sole of your feet. If you have not done so, close your eyes and state out loud your intention: My intention is to go to the sacred place within me.

Imagine a green light gathering at the sole of your feet. It is warm and soft and makes your skin and muscles feel very relaxed. It seems to come from deep within the Earth. It rises up your feet, claves, tights buttocks and abdomen. As the light touches, your body softens and relaxes. Now it goes up your torso, your back your shoulders. And wherever the light touches, your whole body relaxes ten times more. Down your arms, writs, hands and fingers it goes. Now up your spine, your neck, your throat and your whole body relaxes, ten times more. It goes up your chin, your ears, your eyes, your forehead, the back of your head, the top of your head, and your whole body relaxes, ten times more. It now moves downwards, until it reaches the centre of your heart, where it flows forming a sideways figure eight.


Imagine now a second beam of light coming down from above. It is light blue soft and warm. It goes down your head, shoulders and arms, and your body relaxes ten times more. Down it goes, intertwining with the green light, touching your torso, buttocks, hips, legs, feet and you relax ten times more. Now it flows to your heart and there is mingles with the green, forming an infinite sign, this pulsating, vibrant sideways figure eight.

Remember your intention, to go to the sacred place within you and using your imagination, see yourself somewhere out in nature. There is a threshold of sorts: a cave entrance, a hole in a gigantic tree, a pond, a door standing on its own in the middle of the forest. This threshold is there just for you. It is the portal towards your sacred space. Cross the threshold. Where are you? Is it a spot in nature such as grove, a beach a garden, a cave? Some sort of building, perhaps as small as a cabin, or a temple? See the colours and shapes (pause). What can you hear? (pause). What can you smell, feel, taste? (pause). What time of day is it? (pause). Walk about. Trust yourself. I will be quiet for a few minutes, to allow you to find and explore your sacred space. (Three minutes of silence).

As you explore your sacred space, find o create a sit for yourself. Imagine it. See it. It can be a simple chair, a throne of sorts, even a whimsical swing. Sit on it. Feel it holding you. Across your seat is a small stand or table. There may be a cushion on the top, or flowers and leaves, or any other surface. On it rests a sword. You have lowered the sword of fear, doubt, pain and anger because here there is no use for it. Your sacred space is a place of peace, of inspiration, of restoration, of connection and communication. Nothing can hurt you here. Imagine a light emanating from your heart. See it flow and create a circle around your sacred space. The circle expands into a bubble that cocoons your sacred space. Only that which is of from Love and Light can enter here. Only those who are of benefit to you can enter here. Feel the peace. Feel the energy. The bubble of light becomes invisible, but it is there, protecting, holding the space for you.

It is time to return to the physical realm. Know that you can always come back to your sacred space. Know that you always feel welcome and at home in your sacred space. Know that this is a safe place to heal, discover and grow. Now leave your sacred space. Walk away a few paces and then stop. Find the threshold you used to enter you sacred space and stand in front of it. Breathe in deeply three times (pause). Cross it.

Become aware of the room around you. Wiggle your toes and fingers. Listen to the sounds. And when you are ready, open your eyes. If you have it, drink from the glass of water. Stand up and give three hard thumps with your foot. Stretch as much possible. Give another three hard thump with your other foot. Now take your notebook and write all the ideas that come to you. Do not edit or stop for corrections. When you are finish, put the notebook away for a couple of days and then re-read what you have written. See if there is a message or insight for you to use, explore or ponder about at this moment. I suggest that you repeat this meditation at least once more, to start familiarizing with your sacred space. Accept what you find without judgement. It is important to do the procedure after crossing the threshold (listening, wiggling, thumping, stretching, drinking water, writing.) to ground yourself.


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